Six Convincing Reasons to Stopping Smoking
Most smokers suffer in silence, but the truth is that smoking has devastating effects. Smoking has devastating effects on health and most people suffer in their adult life, and it also enhances your likelihood of developing chronic diseases such as lung and oral cancer, stroke or heart diseases. After smoking for a significant period, the effects will start to manifest on your body, and some of them may include; shortness of breath and dry skin.
Despite being aware of the dangers of smoking, many smokers are not willing to stop it and lead a better life. Everyone knows the health effects of smoking, but a majority of people have not found a reason to stop the smoking habit and below are some of them.
Save money – Smoking is an expensive habit. The government is trying to discourage smoking by imposing high taxes which translate to high prices of cigarette packets. You will end up broke after purchasing several packets of cigarette, and you will not have money to spend on other essential needs. When you quit smoking, you will save lots of money that you can spend on other necessary activities to improve your standard of living.
Stop endangering others – When you are smoking, it also affects other people around you. These people are likely to develop health complication of smoking because that smoke from your cigarette contains carcinogens. Vaping is a safe method of smoking because it does not have the harmful elements present in cigarettes.
Stabilize your senses – Most smokers have difficulties in recognizing smell and taste because smoking has damaged the senses. When you start smoking, it is your smelling senses that get damaged first and then, when can smell, you won’t have the right tastes. Luckily, this can be reversed when you quit smoking and start using nicotine replacement therapy.
Prevent early aging – Have you noticed how fast smokers get old? Smoking affects the skin tissues thus it is easy to develop wrinkles, dry skin, and leathery skin. Studies show that smoking increases the aging process and smoker would appear older than their actual age.
Reduced frequency of catching a cold and coughs – It is quite obvious to have a cold or coughs occasionally, but for smokers, they have a high tendency of these attacks. Smoking weakens the body’s immune system, and this makes a smoker’s body highly susceptible to bacterial and viral infections which are responsible for colds and coughs. The immune system regains its strength gradually after you quit smoking.
Enjoy more exercise – Keeping fit calls for sufficient energy level but if you smoke, you will run short of breath thus little energy. Smoking hampers the functionality of lungs and heart which are crucial in keeping the body energized in an exercising session. In extreme cases, smokers may not have adequate strength to climb a couple of stairs. If you quit smoking, the organs become functional once again, and you get back your strength.
A Beginners Guide To Resources
June 3, 2018
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Most smokers suffer in silence, but the truth is that smoking has devastating effects. Smoking has devastating effects on health and most people suffer in their adult life, and it also enhances your likelihood of developing chronic diseases such as lung and oral cancer, stroke or heart diseases. After smoking for a significant period, the effects will start to manifest on your body, and some of them may include; shortness of breath and dry skin.
Despite being aware of the dangers of smoking, many smokers are not willing to stop it and lead a better life. Everyone knows the health effects of smoking, but a majority of people have not found a reason to stop the smoking habit and below are some of them.
Save money – Smoking is an expensive habit. The government is trying to discourage smoking by imposing high taxes which translate to high prices of cigarette packets. You will end up broke after purchasing several packets of cigarette, and you will not have money to spend on other essential needs. When you quit smoking, you will save lots of money that you can spend on other necessary activities to improve your standard of living.
Stop endangering others – When you are smoking, it also affects other people around you. These people are likely to develop health complication of smoking because that smoke from your cigarette contains carcinogens. Vaping is a safe method of smoking because it does not have the harmful elements present in cigarettes.
Stabilize your senses – Most smokers have difficulties in recognizing smell and taste because smoking has damaged the senses. When you start smoking, it is your smelling senses that get damaged first and then, when can smell, you won’t have the right tastes. Luckily, this can be reversed when you quit smoking and start using nicotine replacement therapy.
Prevent early aging – Have you noticed how fast smokers get old? Smoking affects the skin tissues thus it is easy to develop wrinkles, dry skin, and leathery skin. Studies show that smoking increases the aging process and smoker would appear older than their actual age.
Reduced frequency of catching a cold and coughs – It is quite obvious to have a cold or coughs occasionally, but for smokers, they have a high tendency of these attacks. Smoking weakens the body’s immune system, and this makes a smoker’s body highly susceptible to bacterial and viral infections which are responsible for colds and coughs. The immune system regains its strength gradually after you quit smoking.
Enjoy more exercise – Keeping fit calls for sufficient energy level but if you smoke, you will run short of breath thus little energy. Smoking hampers the functionality of lungs and heart which are crucial in keeping the body energized in an exercising session. In extreme cases, smokers may not have adequate strength to climb a couple of stairs. If you quit smoking, the organs become functional once again, and you get back your strength.