How to Curb Extra Pounds After Stopping Smoking
You’ve resolved to stop smoking but are worried that might lead to weight gain. When one stops smoking, it is common to put on a few pounds. And that’s because a lot of people will start eating a lot once they have stopped smoking. It’s simple that you can imagine to avoid putting on extra weight if keep your diet in check and exercise enough and use e juice. To the amazement of many, keeping your weight and smoking in check is possible using e juice. We discuss some top tips to keep the weight at bay even after quitting the bad habit.
Consume Proper Diet
Make sure that you integrate a lot of veggies and fruits in your diet It’s common knowledge that fruits and veggies provide the body with antioxidants that help in detoxification and boosting recovery from smoking cigarettes. Besides, be sure to avoid food containing too much salt and sugar. Cook food with olive oils and eat avocados so you can stay fuller and not eat much.
Take Proper Snacks
Most people will turn to food after stopping their bad habit. You use e juice to stop smoking gradually while at the same time eating proper snacks like veggies, fruits, granola and sugarless candies.
Eat Regular Small Meals
Consider sub-diving into several times (5-6 times) a day rather than a large meals twice or thrice. If you tend to develop the urge to smoke after taking a heavy meal, such a plan would work well.
Consume Your Breakfast
A person who avoid breakfast is hungry most times and tend to consume a lot of unhealthy snacks. With a great breakfast, you’re sure to start the day with enough energy and enthusiasm.
Take Enough Water
To help in weight loss and preventing weight gain, water play as the great role of keeping the cravings for food and cigarette low. With e juice, it is possible to stop the smoking habit gradually by imitating the smoking itself. Take at least 2 liters of water a day to keep your body hydrated.
Buy Chewing Gum
Other than using e juice to pretend to smoke, it is possible to lower appetite for smoking and food by keeping your mouth and mind engaged through the acting of chewing gum.
Engage in Physical Exercises
Make arrangements for regular exercises like lifting weight, jogging and walking even for 20 minutes. Exercises are known to trigger the production of feel good hormones that lower the levels of anxiety, stress and irritability that encourage smoking.
Cut a Few Pounds First
It’s recommended that you shed some weight first before you can quit smoking. Do more exercises and incorporate a good diet in your menu then you can focus on quitting smoking.
Seek Support
A goal to stop smoking and have your weight in control is tricky and you might need help. Get a friend to help you follow your nutrition or even to become a gym buddy. Besides, health experts can help you find a support group for smokers.
Spoil Yourself at Times
It can be hard to change your lifestyle all at once. You need to treat yourself to a slice of pizza or a piece of chocolate occasionally. Use e juice to stop smoking gradually.
Quitting smoking doesn’t have to lead to additional weight. Assume a proper lifestyle and you’ll be fine.
The Essentials of Health – Breaking Down the Basics
June 3, 2018
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You’ve resolved to stop smoking but are worried that might lead to weight gain. When one stops smoking, it is common to put on a few pounds. And that’s because a lot of people will start eating a lot once they have stopped smoking. It’s simple that you can imagine to avoid putting on extra weight if keep your diet in check and exercise enough and use e juice. To the amazement of many, keeping your weight and smoking in check is possible using e juice. We discuss some top tips to keep the weight at bay even after quitting the bad habit.
Consume Proper Diet
Make sure that you integrate a lot of veggies and fruits in your diet It’s common knowledge that fruits and veggies provide the body with antioxidants that help in detoxification and boosting recovery from smoking cigarettes. Besides, be sure to avoid food containing too much salt and sugar. Cook food with olive oils and eat avocados so you can stay fuller and not eat much.
Take Proper Snacks
Most people will turn to food after stopping their bad habit. You use e juice to stop smoking gradually while at the same time eating proper snacks like veggies, fruits, granola and sugarless candies.
Eat Regular Small Meals
Consider sub-diving into several times (5-6 times) a day rather than a large meals twice or thrice. If you tend to develop the urge to smoke after taking a heavy meal, such a plan would work well.
Consume Your Breakfast
A person who avoid breakfast is hungry most times and tend to consume a lot of unhealthy snacks. With a great breakfast, you’re sure to start the day with enough energy and enthusiasm.
Take Enough Water
To help in weight loss and preventing weight gain, water play as the great role of keeping the cravings for food and cigarette low. With e juice, it is possible to stop the smoking habit gradually by imitating the smoking itself. Take at least 2 liters of water a day to keep your body hydrated.
Buy Chewing Gum
Other than using e juice to pretend to smoke, it is possible to lower appetite for smoking and food by keeping your mouth and mind engaged through the acting of chewing gum.
Engage in Physical Exercises
Make arrangements for regular exercises like lifting weight, jogging and walking even for 20 minutes. Exercises are known to trigger the production of feel good hormones that lower the levels of anxiety, stress and irritability that encourage smoking.
Cut a Few Pounds First
It’s recommended that you shed some weight first before you can quit smoking. Do more exercises and incorporate a good diet in your menu then you can focus on quitting smoking.
Seek Support
A goal to stop smoking and have your weight in control is tricky and you might need help. Get a friend to help you follow your nutrition or even to become a gym buddy. Besides, health experts can help you find a support group for smokers.
Spoil Yourself at Times
It can be hard to change your lifestyle all at once. You need to treat yourself to a slice of pizza or a piece of chocolate occasionally. Use e juice to stop smoking gradually.
Quitting smoking doesn’t have to lead to additional weight. Assume a proper lifestyle and you’ll be fine.