A Guide to Beekeeping and Handling Bees
When it comes to beekeeping, a lot of people are fond of them. You can see more here to learn the basics of bee handling and beekeeping.
When a person maintains bee colonies, that person is doing beekeeping. This is done with the help of hives that they are made just by themselves. When it comes to beekeeping, bees that can produce honey are often used. You can always expect these bees to sting but there are some that are stingless.
One of the main reasons why beekeeping is done is to collect the honey that honey bees produce. You call the person who extracts beekeeping honey in the hive as the beekeeper. Aside from honey, there are other products that bees can produce including royal jelly, bee pollen, flower pollen, propolis, and beeswax. Beekeeping is also being done to properly pollinate crops and produce more bees that the beekeeper can sell to other beekeepers. Bees that are kept in hives are placed in a location you call bee yard.
Beekeeping is not as easy as it seems. Aside from preparing your very own starting kit for beekeeping and bee harvesting equipment, you also need to have adequate knowledge about the matter. When it comes to increasing your knowledge in beekeeping and keeping yourself up-to-date with the latest beekeeping news, check out EbeeHQ.
Beekeeping requires both mental and physical preparation of the task ahead. It is innate for bees to keep their hive well-protected. Getting stung is a common occurrence once you intrude in any of their hives. The stings are always going to be around when you are going to be a beekeeper. If you have fears of being stung or just have a fear of bees, you should conquer these challenges if you want to do beekeeping. There will be fewer stings once you become more confident in handling your bees.
One of the tips to beekeeping is knowing the perfect time to manipulate your bees. If you want to open and check on your bee colonies, make sure to do it on days that have no wind and are sunny and warm. During those times, the older bees will go out searching for their food. The older bees often decide to stay in their hive during the windy, cold, and rainy days.
In examining your bees, it is easier done when there is nectar abundance than where there is nectar shortage. Using sugar syrup can also help yet not all the time.
Bees are smaller in numbers during springtime, so it is best to examine them during this time. When you manipulate your bees as a beekeeper, you can expect them to only tolerate as long as 10 to 15 minutes. It would be best to avoid keeping the hives open for longer. You should close the hive when the bees become noisy or nervous upon examination.
You can check EbeeHQ for more information about beekeeping.
Incredible Lessons I’ve Learned About
March 31, 2019
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When it comes to beekeeping, a lot of people are fond of them. You can see more here to learn the basics of bee handling and beekeeping.
When a person maintains bee colonies, that person is doing beekeeping. This is done with the help of hives that they are made just by themselves. When it comes to beekeeping, bees that can produce honey are often used. You can always expect these bees to sting but there are some that are stingless.
One of the main reasons why beekeeping is done is to collect the honey that honey bees produce. You call the person who extracts beekeeping honey in the hive as the beekeeper. Aside from honey, there are other products that bees can produce including royal jelly, bee pollen, flower pollen, propolis, and beeswax. Beekeeping is also being done to properly pollinate crops and produce more bees that the beekeeper can sell to other beekeepers. Bees that are kept in hives are placed in a location you call bee yard.
Beekeeping is not as easy as it seems. Aside from preparing your very own starting kit for beekeeping and bee harvesting equipment, you also need to have adequate knowledge about the matter. When it comes to increasing your knowledge in beekeeping and keeping yourself up-to-date with the latest beekeeping news, check out EbeeHQ.
Beekeeping requires both mental and physical preparation of the task ahead. It is innate for bees to keep their hive well-protected. Getting stung is a common occurrence once you intrude in any of their hives. The stings are always going to be around when you are going to be a beekeeper. If you have fears of being stung or just have a fear of bees, you should conquer these challenges if you want to do beekeeping. There will be fewer stings once you become more confident in handling your bees.
One of the tips to beekeeping is knowing the perfect time to manipulate your bees. If you want to open and check on your bee colonies, make sure to do it on days that have no wind and are sunny and warm. During those times, the older bees will go out searching for their food. The older bees often decide to stay in their hive during the windy, cold, and rainy days.
In examining your bees, it is easier done when there is nectar abundance than where there is nectar shortage. Using sugar syrup can also help yet not all the time.
Bees are smaller in numbers during springtime, so it is best to examine them during this time. When you manipulate your bees as a beekeeper, you can expect them to only tolerate as long as 10 to 15 minutes. It would be best to avoid keeping the hives open for longer. You should close the hive when the bees become noisy or nervous upon examination.
You can check EbeeHQ for more information about beekeeping.