What I Can Teach You About Tips

June 3, 2018


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Six Simple Tips on How to Assist your Teen to Quit Smoking.

Even though many parents try to warn their children about the deadly consequences of smoking, it has been discovered that most high school senior students are smokers, even after the efforts of the government, parents and other healthcare service providers. In case your teenager has started smoking, chances are that you are already aware of it. Despite the fact that you wouldn’t have wished for your teenager to adopt such a habit, now is the best time that you took the necessary action to help them quit.

But where will you start? Many parents find helping their teens to quit smoking as an impossible task. Here are some guidelines that will assist you to support and also convince your teenager to quit smoking.

1. Remain Calm
When you discover that your child has begun smoking, you will feel let down, disappointed and upset. This is especially if you have invested a lot of time and resources to educate your teen on the harmful risks of smoking, or if they have witnessed a relative get sick or even die due to cigarette smoking. Although your first reaction will be to want to give your child an angry lecture or even ground them for the rest of the school year, understand this approach won’t work.

2. Provide them with Enough Support to Quit Smoking
While it may seem better to tell your child to quit smoking and be done with it, unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that. Even if your child may be regretting for choosing to start smoking cigarettes, you should understand that cigarettes contain nicotine which is very addictive and can have a lasting effect on your teen’s brain.

3. It’s Time to Consider Alternatives.
When quitting cigarette smoking, just going cold turkey and giving up smoking is a very difficult thing to do. A popular method of quitting smoking is through vaping using ejuice.

4. Stop Cigarette Smoking Together
It’s likely that your teenager is smoking because he or she is copying your smoking habits. In case you notice that your teenager has also started smoking, then it is a wise decision to quit smoking together, and this will help you both by encouraging each other.

5. Educate Your Teen About the Health Risks.
One of the key reasons as to why people quit cigarette smoking is because of the many health problems that are related to smoking cigarettes. When your child started smoking, they may not have understood the health risks, and providing education may be what they need to quit.

6. Consider Rehabilitation.
To stop cigarette smoking behavior, professional assistance can go a long way. In case you are finding it difficult to help your teenager to stop smoking even after the use of nicotine alternatives and providing your full support, it’s time you considered professional assistance.